Special Council Report

July 8, 2020

Dear Christ Community Family,

Grace and peace to you all. This email is to serve as a report to you regarding some important decisions that your Council made last night. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to any of the Council members.

1. Sunday Worship Gatherings
We have decided to continue "Outdoor Worship" on the front lawn of our church campus throughout the Summer until Sunday, September 6. This collective decision is based on the following:

(a) This will allow us to continue to come together for in-person worship as a congregation while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

(b) This will allow church leadership to be pastorally sensitive to many that have differing levels of comfort in regards to in-person gatherings.

(c) This will allow our church to continue to adhere to guidelines set by our state and federal government.

At the same time, we will continue to provide "Virtual Worship" opportunities via Facebook Live every Sunday at 10:30 am. In the case of inclement weather, we have crafted a plan of action to transition indoors into our Sanctuary AND Fellowship Hall with strict restrictions. The Sanctuary has already been marked off with distance and the Fellowship Hall will be available to serve as an "Overflow Room." Further details and protocols will be made available throughout the church building. Decisions on whether Sunday Worship will be outdoor or indoors will be made Sundays before 9:00 am. 

2. Outreach Opportunities
The Deacons this weekend will be introducing Outreach Opportunities for us as a congregation to participate in throughout the next several months. Please check your emails as a separate email will be sent for further details about our two projects that will be ongoing for the next several weeks and months!

3. Summer Fellowship (Koinonia)
We have decided to postpone our Community Groups and the Annual All-Church BBQ until further notice. At the same time, as one of the core values of our church is "community," the Council hopes to continue to foster community this summer in personable ways. The Council members have each been delegated a "Care Group," where we will be calling, texting, emailing, praying and encouraging you when we can! We hope to be available as well to hear how you're doing and pray for you! Don't hesitate to reach out, if you need anything! :) 


This season has been tiresome for many people. Amid that fatigue, our Council has been incredibly diligent in being prayerful and wise in their collective decisions. I want to commend each and every one of our Council members as each decisions that has been made the past several weeks and months have not been made out of fear, but out of faithful discernment. Please continue to encourage your Council members for a job well done during this season of unknown that we have traversed. Our Lord has been with our church every single step of the way, and by God's grace, each decision that our Council has made has been so timely! For that, I am grateful. May we continue to lift each other up in prayer as we go about this week! 

With Love in Christ,

Rev. James Lee
on behalf of the Christ Community Church Council