Special Council Report

June 3, 2020

Dear Christ Community Family,

Grace and peace to you all. This email is to report to you two important decisions that your Council made last night. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to any Council members. 

1. Drive-In Worship
Based on the Congregational Surveys that were submitted and after much prayerful discernment, we have decided to continue with Drive-In Worship for the month of June with Facebook Live streaming available. (6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28). This decision is based on the following:

(a) This will allow for us to continue to adhere to social distancing guidelines, wearing face coverings, no contact, car windows closed, etc. - while coming together for in-person worship.

(b) This will allow church leadership to be pastorally sensitive to those that have different levels of comfort in regards to in-person contact.

(c) This will allow the church to continue to adhere to the guidelines set by our state government. (Source).

(d) In addition, the majority in the Congregational Survey mentioned the yearning to come together in-person, but with strict social distancing guidelines and restrictions.

(d) In the case of bad weather, we will transition to a "Hybrid" form of Worship for that specific weekend. Those that have signed up on this Google Form, will be notified and invited to join, with strict social distancing guidelines  (10 people). Everyone else will be invited to participate via Facebook Live. Those decisions will be made weekly by Saturday, 12:00 pm in conjunction with the Worship Resource email that goes out to each of you. 

(e) Council will reassess at our July Meeting before sharing further decisions on our Sunday Worship Gatherings. We continue to strive to be prayerful amid all our decisions. 

2. Our Church's Response
In light of what is going on across our nation, I have shared some thoughts that I hope will be helpful to us to reflect on. You can find the video here. In addition, the Council has decided to commit to a "7 Day Prayer Chain" beginning this coming Sunday, June 7. More details will be shared this weekend. We hope to respond to the violence against African-Americans, Law Enforcement and more with the power of prayer as we ask the Lord for repentance, reconciliation, peace and a change of heart across our nation. 

As always, if you have any pastoral care requests, please don't hesitate to reach out. I would love to continue to be listening, praying and encouraging. Our Church Council is also available for whatever needs you may have. May we never forget the power and necessity of the Holy Spirit as we remember the Pentecost this week. 

With Love in Christ,
Pastor James