February 11, 2022: Update

February 11, 2022
Dear Christ Community Family,

Grace and peace to you. It has been nearly 700 days since the COVID-19 Pandemic uprooted everything that we once considered normal. We have seen so much division around our community, nation and our world regarding policy about how to deal with and navigate this pandemic. Thankfully, with the leadership of Elisa Mancuso, our Council member and in-house medical professional, we have been very fortunate and blessed to be ahead of the curve in making our decisions and adhering to advice and counsel of our state and national medical professionals. The Church Council has been able to stand united in ensuring that we do what we can to protect those among us who may be immunocompromised while doing whatever we can to stay in-person for our corporate worship gatherings. We give thanks that due to these decisions throughout the pandemic, we have been able to utilize technology in ways that we could never have even fathomed before. We give thanks that due to these decisions throughout the pandemic, we did not experience a COVID-19 spread amongst our church family that caused a major shutdown. Looking back, every single decision we have made was never reactionary.

Many of you know that this past week, our governor made a decision to relax the mask mandate for indoor public places that do not have a vaccination requirement. Therefore, once again, like before, rather than react, our Church Council hopes to take the next few weeks to hold the status quo, prayerfully discern, before making an official decision at our next in-person meeting. We are grateful that the intention of every decision we have made has been focused on loving God and loving our neighbors. We hope to continue to do the same as we look forward to the days and weeks to come where we can be together without concern of this pandemic. Please continue to be prayerful for all that have been impacted throughout this pandemic.

With love in Christ,

Rev. James J. Lee, on behalf of the Church Council