March 27 - Update 6

March 27, 2020

Dear Christ Community Family,

Grace and peace to you wherever you may be. As I reflect upon this past week, everything seemed out of ordinary. Nothing seemed routine. But then I realized, I had totally forgotten that we were in the season of Lent because of how much our conversations have been surrounded by the COVID-19 virus that our state and nation is battling. And that's when I realized, that our sovereign God provides us timely reminders to come back to Him time and time again. So I pray that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us the living hope, that ultimate hope we need each day during this season. Although we are unable to spend time together in person, I encourage you to share that hope with a phone call, text message or card to your brother or sister-in-Christ! May we continue to hold each other in prayer as a church family. Blessings!

With love in Christ,
Pastor James

I. Bible Study Details
Men's Bible Study will meet Saturday, March 28 at 7:00 am, and Ladies Bible Study will meet Tuesday, March 31 at 10:00 am.

Both Bible Studies will be meeting on Zoom. You can follow along with the instructions below, or utilize the PDF that was uploaded on our church's Facebook Group. 

1. On your smart phone or tablet, search for "Zoom" and you'll find an app that says "ZOOM Cloud Meetings." Once you download that app, you can click "Join a Meeting" and type in the Meeting ID # 384 506 8857

2. On a computer, you can click the following link and follow the instructions for downloading and join the meeting.

3. If you are unable to utilize a computer, smart phone, or tablet, feel free to call in from your phone. Dial +16465588656 and then type in the meeting number, 3845068857# and you'll be able to join the meeting.

II. Sunday Worship
Lord's Day Worship for Sunday, March 29 will be streamed live, via Facebook Live on our church's Facebook Page beginning at 10:30 am. Worship litany will be emailed separately to you, uploaded on our church's Facebook Group, and available on our church website

III. Special Prayer Gathering
(2 Chronicles 7:14) If my people who are called by my name humble  themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

In light of the current situation we are in, and the season of Lent, we want to continue to come before the Lord as a community of faith in prayer, daily. Monday, March 30 to Friday, April 3, prayer will begin at 7:00 pm. Zoom Call will be available beginning at 6:50 pm for any trouble shooting if necessary. Please utilize the following information to dial in, or log in to the prayer call.

1. On your smart phone or tablet, search for "Zoom" and you'll find an app that says "ZOOM Cloud Meetings." Once you download that app, you can click "Join a Meeting" and type in the Meeting ID # 384 506 8857

2. On a computer, you can click the following link and follow the instructions for downloading and join the meeting.

3. If you are unable to utilize a computer, smart phone, or tablet, feel free to call in from your phone. Dial +16465588656 and then type in the meeting number, 3845068857# and you'll be able to join the meeting.

IV. Two Minute Devotionals
In most levels of professional football, the two-minute warning is given when there are two minutes on the game clock. Those two-minutes are quite important and can sometimes determine the entire game. In that spirit, this season of Lent and our ongoing health crisis we are in is also critical and important. It's so important to pursue Christ, dive into God's Word, and pray that much more. 

Pastor James as well as several other pastors from North America will share short devotionals specifically for our church! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel for constant updates when these new devotionals are uploaded. Feel free to share with your loved ones!