Social Distancing Guidelines & Indoor Worship Protocols

Social Distancing Guidelines & Indoor Worship Protocols
As we continue to adhere to state guidelines in our response to COVID-19, we as a church have already implemented:
1. Proper signage regarding hygiene and COVID-19 has been placed all around the church campus
2. Bathrooms are limited and only accessible to ONE-PERSON at a time.
3. Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed throughout the church campus.
4. PPE (disposable face masks) have been readily available. 

As we look to Indoor Worship for the next four weeks, we have and plan to implement the following:
1. Face coverings (masks) will be required inside the church building at all times
2. We have marked off pews with 6-feet distance with clear signage 
3. We will implement temperature checks and ensure that individuals do not have a temperature over 100.4*F
4. We will have ushers guiding you to the allotted pews
5. Ushers will be creating a chart to see where people are sitting to assist with contact tracing
6. We have removed all pew bibles and hymnals
7. After COVID-19, our worship liturgy has went from singing four songs (excluding the Doxology) to now two
8. Offering Plates will not be passed around, and will be available as a drop-off by the Info Desk
9. With COVID-19 guidelines, we are limited to 50% capacity in the sanctuary. For our space, that is 57 people total.
10. We will be creating an Overflow Space with Livestream available in the Fellowship Hall for those that would like to utilize increased space while being in church.
11. Our church has been gifted with a new disinfectant sprayer/mister that we will utilize to disinfect the space in the sanctuary before and after worship
12. We will also be leaving the windows and doors open in the sanctuary for air flow and ventilation.