March 13 - Update 2

March 13, 2020

Dear Christ Community Family,

"God is our Refuge and Strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear..." (Psalm 46:1). The situation in our town and county has changed drastically over the past week in regards to the COVID-19/corona virus. But our God has not changed. He is still in control through it all. He is still on the throne!

The Church Council has been communicating daily in regards to being mindful and sensitive to this fluid situation. We want to be transparent and want to ensure that we are all on the same page. We do not want to react out of fear, but want to respond with Christ's wisdom and love. The following bullet points are where we currently stand at this moment:

Men's Bible Study and AA Meeting will gather as scheduled tomorrow, Saturday, March 14.
Public Reading of Scripture, and our Sunday Worship Service will still occur on Sunday, March 15 (without the greeting time)
- There will be no Children's Ministry this Sunday, March 15, and the use of the Nursery will be prohibited. (We will reassess on a week-to-week basis).
- There will be no Fellowship Hour (Refreshments) after service on Sunday, March 15 and Sunday, March 22. 
- If you are feeling under the weather or feel uncomfortable about coming to church, we encourage you to utilize the Facebook Live service we have available. 
- If you are unable to make it to church, Online Offering via Paypal and Venmo has been set up. You can also mail in a check to the church address. 
- Our March Community Groups has been cancelled 
Ladies Bible Study and AA Meeting will still gather as scheduled on Tuesday, March 17. 
- Our Prayer Gathering scheduled for Thursday, March 19 has been canceled. 
- If you would like to volunteer to assist in the continual cleaning and disinfecting of the church, please speak with Ed.

Once again, because this is a very fluid situation, we have set up a blog page on our church website to continue to share where we stand. You can find the site at: This blog will continue to be updated on a need basis. If the situation worsens over the next 24 to 48 hours affecting our ability to gather Sunday Morning, you will be notified via email, phone call, text, social media, and our website by 8:00am. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our council members. 

With love in Christ,
Pastor James & Church Council